This library is for those who want to day dream, visualize, meditate and have creative/spiritual experiences often.
If you’ve already signed up for the new library, just click where it says SIGN IN or MY ACCOUNT above - top right.
From there, you’ll enter your password and a window will open with special navigation that lets you into the new library space; and excitingly for the Virgo admin team (me!), is the same window where you can easily manage your account.
People have pressed play on the meditations in this library more than 118,000 times.
My audience is about 2000 people at any given time. I’ve been doing this for about 13 years. That means that most people are listening to these meditations many times, over and over again. I suspect some people listen to Dreams or Night Magic every single night, which I consider a great honor.
All the meditations in the library can be used in different ways. Sometimes people key in on a few experiences they listen to over and over (for instance, listening to the same meditation every night when you go to bed) and other times people take their time wandering around and touring the entire collection.
Anyway, check out the Free Page to make sure you like the way I guide these experiences; and if you do… come hang out in the library.
Complete collection of Jessica Snow audio meditations.
As of 3/9/35, there are 175 original and effective meditations + “little spiritual talks” in the library
If you want to know more about how these experiences FEEL, check out a few of these testimonials. And also know, that every meditation the Synchronicity Machine might suggest is already included in the new library.
135. MORE THAN HUMAN - natural power
134. THE MAGICIAN - sympathetic magic maker
133. YOU ARE HERE - new perspective on where we stand
132. THE DREAMING - gently exploring wild spaces
131. PACIFIC - heart flowing freely
130. AUTUMN EQUINOX - the pleasure of re-gathering ourselves
129. SPRING EQUINOX - harmony, beauty + creation
128. HOUSE - symbols on 3 levels
127. MEADOW - feeling fine + aligned
126. SUMMER SOLSTICE - the generous sun
125. WINTER SOLSTICE - kinship + a north star
124. MIRROR 2 - guaranteed insight
123. MIND SPIRIT HEART BODY - quality time with all 4
122. SUPERCONSCIOUS - high-up and expansive
121. THE INTERNET - what it really is
120. OFFERING - fire for transformation
119. MOUNTAIN - outer and inner strength
118. THE GLOWING SEED - what might you grow?
117. NIGHT MAGIC - to transition into the dream state/rest
116. TELEPHONE - put your antenna up!
115. PICTURE - get fresh mystical information
114. GOLD IN THE SHADOW - reclaim the good stuff in the shadow
113. TRUTH + BEAUTY - open and closed eye meditation
112. OPEN SOURCE - 5 minutes right when you wake up
111. DANCING PEN - journaling meditation
110. BREAK FREE - to break through
109. CIRCLE OF STONES - balance + centering
108. THE GREEN STAIRCASE - high up perspective
107. TIMELINE - time play + perspective
106. SALT TO FRESH - energy re-set
105. HER LOVE - dreamy revjuvenation
104. EARTH AND SKY - grounded and uplifted
103. BLOOM - open towards what you love
102. SPOTLIGHT - focusing awareness
101. ATMOSPHERE - upgrade your boundaries
100. THE HEART - space to feel all the feels
99. WILL POWER - primed for action
98. THE BOOK - intuition + higher wisdom
97. THE BUTTERFLY - energetic up-leveling
96. SEASHELL - a soft place to fall
95. PRESENCE - the beauty of witness consciousness
94. BEACON - connecting powerfully to a guide
93. FAMILIAR - co-creation and mystical partnership
92. OPEN PALM - powerfully playing with energy + awareness
91. CALLBACK - recharging for full brilliance
90. RELEASE - magical surrender + peaceful liberation
89. PRICELESS - 7th chakra
88. INDIGO - 6th chakra
87. FREQUENCY - 5th chakra
86. CONSTELLATION - 4th chakra
85. VITAMIN - 3rd chakra
84. LIQUID COLOR - 2nd chakra
83. HERE - 1st chakra
82. FEELINGS - emotions in real time
81. WINDOWS - inner adventures
80. CURRENTS - riding the waves
79. HATCHLING - shed the shell
78. LITTLE CLOUD - radiance and resonance
77. DEER - turning sensitivity into a strength
76. TEMPLE OF THE HEART - higher perspective and love illumination
75. QUEEN - expansion and delight
74. KING - alignment and right action
73. ANIMAL - activation of deep natural magic
72. THE CHALICE - joy and magic/abundance and nobility consciousness
71. LIGHTNING ROD - inspiration and manifestation
70. THE EXCHANGE - play and wonder
69. GLAMOUR - casting enchantments and charms
68. PLANT LIFE - powerful shift in perspective
67. SHAPESHIFTER - experimenting with form
66. THE HEALER - finding out you are worthy of grace
65. THE ARTIST - big-time tapping into creative instincts
64. WATERFALL - flowing beyond thought + time
63. PLUTO - shadow showdown
62. LIGHTER - quantum fun + magic bonfire
61. NEW MOON - moon magic + fresh vision
60. WINGS - flying high + blissing out
59. SAND - magic carpet ride
58. DREAMS - flow yourself to sleep
57. SIESTA - magical midday recalibration
56. RISE + SHINE - first thing when you wake up
55. EQUINOX - the magic + pleasure of spring
54. CRYSTALLINE - crystal power (use with any crystal)
53. MIRROR - see/create yourself + the future
52. OCEAN – be expansive, infinite + oceanic
51. BIG CAT - awaken wild instincts + build power
50. EARTHLING –reclaim your natural state of being
49. ECLIPSE - revelations + magnificent change
48. ARIES – when you are ready to begin
47. TAURUS – discover true beauty + make it yours
46. GEMINI - wit, wisdom & perspective
45. CANCER - expanding in the direction of pleasure
44. LEO - lion-hearted superstar
43. VIRGO - cultivating wonderland
42. LIBRA - being both muse & creator
41. SCORPIO - exploring realms of mystery & magic
40. SAGITTARIUS - bright dancing adventure
39. CAPRICORN - building worldly power
38. AQUARIUS - bringing magic where its needed
37. PISCES - changing states, always in flow
36. STORM – alchemy + a fresh start
35. FLORA – seed to bloom, perfect for summer
34. SERPENTINE – pure transformational power
33. GOLDEN SCALES – create harmonic balance
32. WOLF – call your soul family to you
31. THE CLASSROOM – liberate your thinking
30. VISION 33 – elevate your energetic set point
29. ELEMENTAL – access the elemental forces of nature
28. STARRY TREE – distill + manifest your creative vision
27. BRAND NEW – prime yourself for the present/future
26. MERMAID – let beauty + goodness in
25. DRAGON – practice unconditional happiness
24. PLACEBO – magical, mystical help + healing
23. PACKETS OF LIGHT – become luminous + effervescent
22. DARK MATTER – be expansive + play with the infinite
21. FUR + FLOWERS – bliss out + become innocent again
20. THE FOURTH LAYER – connect to something greater
19. SANCTUARY – let your luminous heart be healed
18. METEORITE – a sparkling wake up call to life on earth
17. PYRAMID – magic, protection + divination
16. TREASURE – discover gifts from the subconscious
15. INQUIRY – listen + gather pure insight
14. THE ELEGANT BRIDGE – grace + divine communication
13. THE FUTURE – try on possible futures + see how they feel
12. PORTALS – walk through dream worlds
11. BIRDS + BOXES – let your intuition speak
10. APHRODITE – bring good things to life
9. ANIMAL NATURE – access your wild intuition
8. WILD HORSES – get fired up + run free
7. REDWOOD – become grounded + sovereign
6. FULL MOON – all sparkly because the moon loves you
5. POLLINATOR – beautiful thing to beautiful thing
4. ARROW – take aim + transcend anything you like
3. THE HAWK – take flight + get that bird’s eye view
2. THE LIBRARY – find out what you want to know
1. THE WHITE ROOM – the meditation that started it all
0. PURE SOUND – electric sound bath
41 mini-meditations from 99 VISIONS, each with a corresponding “little talk” (as of 3/9/25)