Streamers are the angels of this site and therefore have access to the full library and archives.
In 2017 I created the Streamers library to make it easy for us to experience meditation as a life-enhancing art rather than a dry chore. I wanted us to have access to an expansive, beautiful selection of meditations in which we could always intuitively find exactly the magical experiences we need as we make our way through life. And I wanted to offer this big library at an accessible price - to reduce the barriers to entry we often find in the modern ‘spiritual-wellness’ space.
Our Streamers feel that $11/month or $111/year is a fair price to pay for the magical cornucopia of our archives as well as all future meditations I create. Streamers also know that through my LOL “business” LOL “model” LOL their monthly or annual contribution allows me to keep this entire digital space ad-free, non-data-mining and generous.
Within the Streamers library, people have pressed play on our meditations more than 118,000 times. Sometimes folks key in on a few meditations they listen to over and over and other times people take their time touring the entire collection.
As of January 2024 the Streamer’s area contains every $5 meditation you’ll currently find in the shop, a ‘pick for me’ tool, and a ‘favorites’ section recommending meditations for various “purposes”. If you love the Synchronicity Machine you will be happy to know that every meditation the Synchronicity Machine might suggest is already included in the audio library.
If you can imagine that time spent in this beautiful digital space filled with 135 original and effective meditations would be a time well spent, come on in…
When you choose one of the plans above:
You’ll input payment information, a username in the form of your email address and create a password
Then you can instantly log-in and start listening to whatever you want.
If you aren’t sure yet about being a Streamer, be sure to check out the Free Page and try some meditations to see if you enjoy them. If you want to know more about how these experiences FEEL, check out a few of these testimonials.
Here’s to a constant unfolding of infinite beneficial magical experiences!
P.S. Please note - this is a recurring membership until you cancel it. I hope you love the member area so much you stay forever, but if you ever need to cancel your subscription here are easy instructions for that.
”I am really loving the "pick for me" option. Thank you for setting that up. Your work has really helped my mediation practice and I look forward to it every morning.” - Gabby
“Jessica - Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t being to fully express how much magic I’ve made recently through my work with your meditations. I have been on a Frequency/Brand New/Pyramid rotation, and, simply put, you are truly changing my life. Thank you for all that you do!” - Allie Lerner“Thanks for all your magical meditations! I think you're really one of a kind, your meditations help me discover my inner hidden gems making me more creative and just allowing me to know myself a little better. I think you really have a special skill and oh, I love your voice too! Each meditation is like a lovingly crafted piece of art.” - Laura Iisalo
"Thanks for the meditations. I started a subscription last week and am hooked-I've begun to use it daily and they are so powerful." - Alejandra Diaz Mattoni
"Just wanted to say that your meditations are so one of a kind for me! I feel so connected and safe with your guidance." - Jeanette Sinh
“I have never been able to access my higher self in the capacity that I just did through any other meditation...I feel new. You are gifted, and I'm thrilled to be a streamer and to listen daily.” - Kelsey Ortiz
Our Streamer’s library includes all of the following meditations -
MORE THAN HUMAN - natural power
THE MAGICIAN - sympathetic magic maker
YOU ARE HERE - new perspective on where we stand
THE DREAMING - gently exploring wild spaces
PACIFIC - heart flowing freely
AUTUMN EQUINOX - the pleasure of re-gathering ourselves
SPRING EQUINOX - harmony, beauty + creation
HOUSE - symbols on 3 levels
MEADOW - feeling fine + aligned
SUMMER SOLSTICE - the generous sun
WINTER SOLSTICE - kinship + a north star
MIRROR 2 - guaranteed insight
MIND SPIRIT HEART BODY - quality time with all 4
SUPERCONSCIOUS - high-up and expansive
THE INTERNET - what it really is
OFFERING - fire for transformation
MOUNTAIN - outer and inner strength
THE GLOWING SEED - what might you grow?
NIGHT MAGIC - to transition into the dream state/rest
TELEPHONE - put your antenna up!
PICTURE - get fresh mystical information
GOLD IN THE SHADOW - reclaim the good stuff in the shadow
TRUTH + BEAUTY - open and closed eye meditation
OPEN SOURCE - 5 minutes right when you wake up
DANCING PEN - journaling meditation
BREAK FREE - to break through
THE GREEN STAIRCASE - high up perspective
CIRCLE OF STONES - balance + centering
TIMELINE - time play + perspective
SALT TO FRESH - energy re-set
EARTH AND SKY - grounded and uplifted
THE HEART - space to feel all the feels
WILL POWER - primed for action
THE BOOK - intuition + higher wisdom
THE BUTTERFLY - energetic up-leveling
SEASHELL - a soft place to fall
PRESENCE - the beauty of witness consciousness
DOORS LIVE - dalmatian stone
RELEASE + THE FUTURE LIVE - honey calcite
BEACON - connecting powerfully to a guide
THE WHITE ROOM LIVE - moss agate
FAMILIAR - co-creation and mystical partnership
OPEN PALM - powerfully playing with energy + awareness
CALLBACK - recharging for full brilliance
RELEASE - magical surrender + peaceful liberation
PRICELESS - 7th chakra
INDIGO - 6th chakra
FREQUENCY - 5th chakra
CONSTELLATION - 4th chakra
VITAMIN - 3rd chakra
LIQUID COLOR - 2nd chakra
HERE - 1st chakra
WINDOWS - inner adventures
FEELINGS - emotions in real time
CURRENTS - riding the waves
HATCHLING - shed the shell
LITTLE CLOUD - radiance and resonance
DEER - turning sensitivity into a strength
TEMPLE OF THE HEART - higher perspective and love illumination
QUEEN - expansion and delight
KING - alignment and right action
THE CHALICE - joy and magic/abundance and nobility consciousness
LIGHTNING ROD - inspiration and manifestation
THE EXCHANGE - play and wonder
GLAMOUR - casting enchantments and charms
PLANT LIFE - powerful shift in perspective
SHAPESHIFTER - experimenting with form
THE HEALER - finding out you are worthy of grace
THE ARTIST - big-time tapping into creative instincts
WATERFALL - flowing beyond thought + time
PLUTO - shadow showdown
LIGHTER - quantum fun + magic bonfire
NEW MOON - moon magic + fresh vision
WINGS - flying high + blissing out
SAND - magic carpet ride
DREAMS - flow yourself to sleep
SIESTA - magical midday recalibration
RISE + SHINE - first thing when you wake up
EQUINOX - the magic + pleasure of spring
CRYSTALLINE - crystal power (use with any crystal)
MIRROR - see/create yourself + the future
OCEAN – be expansive, infinite + oceanic
BIG CAT - awaken wild instincts + build power
EARTHLING –reclaim your natural state of being
ARIES – when you are ready to begin
TAURUS – discover true beauty + make it yours
GEMINI - wit, wisdom & perspective
CANCER - expanding in the direction of pleasure
LEO - lion-hearted superstar
VIRGO - cultivating wonderland
LIBRA - being both muse & creator
SCORPIO - exploring realms of mystery & magic
SAGITTARIUS - bright dancing adventure
CAPRICORN - building worldly power
AQUARIUS - bringing magic where its needed
PISCES - changing states, always in flow
STORM – alchemy + a fresh start
FLORA – seed to bloom, perfect for summer
SERPENTINE – pure transformational power
GOLDEN SCALES – create harmonic balance
WOLF – call your soul family to you
THE CLASSROOM – liberate your thinking
VISION 33 – elevate your energetic set point
ELEMENTAL – access the elemental forces of nature
STARRY TREE – distill + manifest your creative vision
BRAND NEW – prime yourself for the present/future
MERMAID – let beauty + goodness in
DRAGON – practice unconditional happiness
PLACEBO – magical, mystical help + healing
PACKETS OF LIGHT – become luminous + effervescent
DARK MATTER – be expansive + play with the infinite
FUR + FLOWERS – bliss out + become innocent again
THE FOURTH LAYER – connect to something greater
SANCTUARY – let your luminous heart be healed
METEORITE – a sparkling wake up call to life on earth
PYRAMID – magic, protection + divination
TREASURE – discover gifts from the subconscious
INQUIRY – listen + gather pure insight
THE ELEGANT BRIDGE – grace + divine communication
THE FUTURE – try on possible futures + see how they feel
PORTALS – walk through dream worlds
BIRDS + BOXES – let your intuition speak
APHRODITE – bring good things to life
ANIMAL NATURE – access your wild intuition
WILD HORSES – get fired up + run free
REDWOOD – become grounded + sovereign
FULL MOON – all sparkly because the moon loves you
POLLINATOR – beautiful thing to beautiful thing
ARROW – take aim + transcend anything you like
THE HAWK – take flight + get that bird’s eye view
THE LIBRARY – find out what you want to know
THE WHITE ROOM – the meditation that started it all
PURE SOUND – electric sound bath