1. Meditation can be approached in a modern and magical manner.
2. Meditation is not a dry chore, but a rewarding and pleasurable art.
3. It is fine to be physically comfortable while you meditate. You can lay down, you can wear headphones, you can sit in your favorite chair.
4. It is natural for your mind and heart to be active during meditation.
5. Meditating links you up with the purest, most extraordinary parts of yourself and the world.
6. Meditation typically feels pretty good. Even when it doesn't, there is insight there.
7. No one can meditate for you. You are your own direct connection.
8. There is no substitute for being fully awake to your life, as it is happening, in real time.
9. Right now you have everything you need to access the love, light, power & insight that is your birthright.
"You have not grown old, and it is not too late
To dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke