
“If we are to live free of labels and boxes, and know ourselves authentically in evolution, then we must sharpen our awareness. Without the crutch of an identity construct, and the formula and the rules that go along with it, the only way to actually know ourselves is to be aware of ourselves - to be present, and open, and loving, and accepting and to always turn our lens of observation to ourselves.

Awareness is a very important shamanic tool. When we focus our awareness on something, we observe what is. That’s it. We don’t analyze it, we don’t judge it, we don’t try to make it better or different; we just observe. It is both very simple and very powerful, because when we observe what is, we are flooded with truth. When we observe something, and we allow it to show itself to us, we are doing that which everything in life wants us to do - we are connecting with it.

…Shamans know that everything in our reality wants communion, and so we train ourselves to expand our awareness, and to focus our awareness, so that we can be receptive to not only the data that is available, but also to the intelligence that is being transmitted.

…The key to awareness is training the mind to observe without judgment. Objective, open-ended observation allows us to gather way more data from that which we are observing than the act of observing with preconceived notions. When we observe with judgment, we are not seeing objectively; rather, we are seeing in such a way to confirm our beliefs.

…it’s the not-knowing that allows us to observe from a place of great receptivity, which creates a field of unconditional acceptance in which the object of our observation can reveal itself of its own accord.

…We can’t get to where we’re going, unless we know where we’re at now. Awareness is the tool that allows us to figure that out.”

- Shaman Durek

“Everything in existence is crying out for a particular quality of consciousness that only humans can give. This doesn’t mean we are superior to nature, only that there’s an incredible need for a certain cooperation. The famous mystic Rudolph Steiner has said that for the agricultural process to happen, for seeds and plants, and trees to grow, birdsong is absolutely essential. This is a beautiful truth that very few people know. But we also need to take what he said one stage further, because birds call and sing not only to quicken plants: they also call to awaken the human seed that we are. They are actually singing for our sake as well.

If we can start to listen to them, really listen, they will draw us into this greater consciousness I have been talking about. They will be our teachers, because nature is able to point us to our inner nature. …We are called to be there. When we can listen to what the birds have to say, to what nature has to say, and when we perceive the beauty of nature, then we are completing the circle and returning this physical world to its source through our own consciousness.”

–Peter Kingsley

P.S. If you are feeling these words, listen to DAY 5 (Leaving) or DAY 6 (Knowing) of 10 DAYS. They are free! <3