
The truth about crystals is that they are beautiful pieces of earth that help us access energies and essences and hold patterns in the etheric until things can manifest IRL.

it doesn’t really matter how big or fancy crystals are (although I do love a big, pretty specimen), the plainest stone can be more powerful than something flashy.

Also, surprisingly, in some ways it doesn’t matter as much as you think what type of stone it is – if it feels good, work with it. You can always go beyond what type of stone it is or what a book or a friend has told you about it.

Stones have been on earth longer than any animal or plant, I think of them as the Earth’s record keepers. They have seen it all and their state of being is staying still. I know most people consider rocks, stones and crystals to be inanimate, but I think that is just our human chauvinism, and I have come to believe that stones are Beings too.

At this point, I truly consider crystals, rocks, stones, even dust, dirt and soil to be my elders. And I think this is a perfect time to deepen our consultations with these Ancients that always tell the Truth

Because crystals and stones and rocks have been on earth longer than most other beings, time in the mineral realm moves differently. Spending time with your crystal, time stretches out, slows down. For your crystal, it’s just fine to do nothing and just be. This speaks to why crystals are so good at holding patterns for us until we can hold those patterns (manifestations) ourselves.  This also explains why crystals can hold and radiate so many different types of energies..

One more thing – as you hold your stone, remember it is a literal piece of the earth and so are you. Let your crystal clue you in on a deep level to the truth that we are just little beings, on a little planet, in a relatively little solar system, in a little galaxy in ever-expanding space.  And even if that feels scary to the ego or logical mind, breathe yourself past that and let your crystal start tuning you to the frequency of this beautiful blue-green planet that nourishes all we know.

There are so many ways to work with stones, I want to encourage you to find your own.

If you want a good place to start, just tune into their frequency and listen.

Rocks are the ultimate beings that Be. Simple as that. Just be.



Give yourself a deep and beautiful time with your crystals and work with their essential magic.  Gather up your favorite crystals, find a pretty place to rest and listen...
