These are the main points of contemplation from our 4th Quilt…
1. I am all about the empowerment that comes from our imaginal spaces, which is why I am so excited to get to play around with our points of view…
2. Let’s start with a playful experience…
In your mind’s eye, in your imagination, see a tree in front of you.
First notice what kind of tree you are looking at… You don’t need to know the official name, more noticing what kind of leaves it has, the colors of the tree, the texture of the bark, etc.
Now, switch your pov to that of an ant on the ground that is starting to climb up the tree’s trunk – learn everything you can from this point of view.
Now see the same tree from the pov of a bird in it’s branches, maybe even flying over head…
Now see the same tree from the pov of a man who sees the tree as either a resource or something in the way of a road he is building…
Now see the same tree from the pov of the vast network of fungi that feeds the roots of the tree and connects it to other trees underground…
Now see the tree from the pov of the sun…
Come back to your original human pov….
3. Was everyone able to switch pov pretty easily? Did anyone have a hard time? Did any insights come up as we did that little exercise?
4. One of the great gifts of a hearty meditation practice is the ability to CREATE THE SPACE for the point of view shift to happen. In daily life, we don’t have access to witness consciousness (waterfall analogy) so we are always reacting. When we are meditating a lot, we end up with the ability to enjoy two-pointed awareness and that all-important temporal space so we can skillfully respond instead of reacting.
Key concepts – two-pointed awareness, that space from the cascading waterfall of thoughts, reacting vs. responding
5. When we open our consciousness up on the individual level, it affects the collective level. Really important skills to develop right now on account of all the inflammatory visual information coming through our sense gates at all times.
6. Fake changes of pov vs. Deep, true and lasting changes of pov. The tricks the mind will play vs. what you can feel is true in your heart, gut and soul.
7. Do you believe your pov affects the outcomes you experience in life? Can you think of specific examples when it did? Can you think of times when your pov held you back OR caused you extra suffering?
8. Can we look at our pov like it is a beloved pet that we love to look after? Can we create rituals and routines to support and care for our pov? What might that look like?
9. What other empowerment might come from this improved care for our pov? What ripple effects might there be?
10. Quick visualizations to up-grade our pov:
a. put on a wider lens
b. magic glasses
c. de-magnifying glass
d. atmosphere
e. suit of light
f. bigger
g. smaller
h. black and white
i. freeze
j. smash
k. these are jumping off points - can you think of some of your own?
11. Contemplation – do you think that as you up-level your point of view, it might change how you are perceived (other’s point of view of you?)