What does you are magic mean (in the context of this work)?
It means that whoever you are, there is magic inside you. And just as that magic is in you, it is also in and everyone and everything.
There is something extraordinary at your core, that is both uniquely yours AND completely synced up with the rest of the universe.
You are magic means that whatever the state of your affairs, you can be empowered on mystical levels to not only survive, but thrive. It means that there is something beautiful and fantastically omnipotent on your side and you can develop mastery in calling forth and wielding that magical energy through the practice of inner work.
What is inner work?
We live in a beckoning world. Our modern life is very good at drawing our attention outward – away from the deep wisdom and healing power of our truest selves.
Inner work refers to a varied collection of life-changing practices that encourage you to tune into and do work within your inner realms.
One of the most beautiful mysteries about inner work is that it not only affects the worlds inside you, but also your outer life in incredible ways.
Some examples of inner work include: meditation, contemplative practices, visioning, ritual, divination, inter-dimensional travel, altered states, certain kinds of intentional/magical art, automatic writing, etc.
Why guided meditation instead of just following the breath or chanting or similar?
Sometimes it is easier to let someone else 'drive'. On the simplest level, guided meditation lets the magic come better and faster. Again, we live in a beckoning world and it takes a lot just to make it to a place where you want to turn inward. These tracks and live events introduce pleasure and ease to the practice which is very helpful especially when you are just starting (or re-starting) your practice. They also set the stage for your inner work being something you look forward to and are amazed by.
I really look at these tracks and events as jumping off points - the guidance just opens the door and it is still up to you to walk through. A thousand people can listen to the same track and each person will see their own signature visions, no two people will see the same thing. The same set of words opens a different door for each person. That is part of the magic.
What is a Streamer?
A Streamer is a subscriber/member who has streaming access to every meditation on this site. Streamers are the muses and patrons of everything you see here. Anyone can become a streamer for $8.88/month or $88 per year. Streamers are really important - their support is what allows me to be so prolific and gives me the freedom to keep this site ad-free and offer free annual memberships to BIPOC, LGBTQ & single moms. To become a Streamer, or learn more, click here.
What is the difference between downloading and streaming?
One of my main aims is to make it super easy for you to listen/meditate anytime. To that end, there are two delivery systems so you can pick which one works for you best.
When you download, you can get any track you want for $5. You pick out and buy your meditations, and are immediately sent an email with a link to download those meditations. You download them into your computer and then onto your phone and they are yours forever.
When you stream, you get streaming access to everything on this site for $8.88/month or $88/year. I created this option in 2017 to make it super easy to just select your track and press play and the response has been that this is the ultimate way to engage with your magic.
What is Experiment with the Idea?
Experiment with the Idea is the podcast that is not built like a traditional podcast. I don't follow the ordinary podcast format of publishing once a week, I only record one if I have something germane to this new style of inner work that I believe is vital to say.
If you’ve never met me before and have never been to a live event, I really wanted to find a way to tell you the basics of this style of practice. And if you’ve been coming all along, I wanted to give you a free way to access more in-depth information about how you could help it become even more extraordinary for you.
Each episode we cover a different foundation of the practice and most episodes end with a free mini-meditation.
The two most popular episodes are the Imagination episode (#1) and the Thought episode (#3) and you can find the entire series here.
What is Crystal Meditation?
Since 2012, this magical event has been going in one form or another. Conceived in the desert late one night (by me and Mark and Martin from Spellbound Sky), Crystal Meditation was held at Spellbound Sky in Silverlake every Wednesday night for many years and in 2018 moved to a bigger space at the Roam Meditation Center in Frogtown and synced this event with new and full moons.
This kind of crystal meditation is unlike any other. First of all, we give you the stone of the week to meditate with and you get to keep that touchstone and take it home to use IRL. Additionally, each meditation is designed to help you create a true magical relationship with that stone and really is the best way to understand and avail yourself of the essence of any stone. And, we are committed to keeping the ticket price super-reasonable and so deliver all of this for just $25.
It is also a fantastic experience to share with friends and loved ones.
What is ART x MAGIC?
ART x MAGIC is my collaboration with fine artist Somsara Rielly where we teach SoulCollage® - a process where you make and read your own oracle cards. Aside from meditation, nothing has accelerated my spiritual power and everyday happiness like SoulCollage® has. To learn more about this magic practice click here.
What is The Field?
The Field is a multi-media experience of the great energetic infinite web that inspires all existence. The Field meditation is free and The Field book is $19 and you can learn more about both here.
What is SEVEN?
SEVEN is a guided exploration of our seven main energy fields. You could think of this album as a collection of non-traditional chakra meditations.
Each meditation is focused less on color or any “open” or “blocked” quality , and concentrated more on the primal, elemental enlivening of each energetic area. These seven tracks – HERE, LIQUID COLOR, VITAMIN, CONSTELLATION, FREQUENCY, INDIGO and PRICELESS – are each about 20 minutes long and are filled with alchemical magic. Learn more here…
What is 99 VISIONS?
In 2015 I wanted to make a very special object – a collection of 99 meditations, divided into 9 sections – a fully illustrated (by amazing LA nature artist Margaret Gallagher!), library-cloth, hardcover, gold-foil embossed book; another way to access your inner worlds. I did a Kickstarter to produce the first printing (turns out it is expensive to make a book of this kind, maybe why you don’t see too many of them around LOL). Fortunately, people love this book and we are on our second printing and hope this book becomes an evergreen in everyone’s collection.
This is a great book for the solo meditator to flip open and start a vision, but also over the years has become really special to yoga teachers, sound bath teachers and other artists who want to add some beautiful inner work elements to their classes and events (without having to write all those things themselves.)
I like to say this is the book Stevie Nicks left for you in the forest because it looks and feels so special - like something magical from another time or dimension - and then when you open it you find 99 treasure maps to help you find all the treasure you never even knew you had.
Order your copy here.
Dreamworld is literally a meditation for every occasion as well as a big-time mystical pep talk guide book.
Order yours here.
There is also an audio version of the Dreamworld guidebook (52 min.) here.
What is DEEP DIVE?
Treat Deep Dive like the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. It’s a place to explore - a treasure trove of all kinds of magical images, writing and other media. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes peek into the secret sources - references and ingredients – that spark wonder and add to the richness of this new style of inner work.
LA’s best crystal shop?
Who designed your brand artwork?
Who does the music that plays in your meditations?
Who was the illustrator for 99 VISIONS?
Who did the cover art for The Field?
Who illustrated Dreamworld?
"You have not grown old, and it is not too late
To dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke