
I am Jessica Snow and this website is my digital wonderland, a hypersigil collection of my best creations.

I have a very niche talent for visionary storytelling – where I tell the story and you get the vision. I’m known for my ability to guide folks through gentle yet powerful spiritual experiences in a way that is both accessible and pleasurable.

My specialties include guided meditations, nature meditations, audio recordings, videos, books and also, increasingly, teaching SoulCollage® and other magical practices.

Essentially I am an artist. My art is what you experience.

This site is about magic, not money. I offer as many things as I can for free, I keep my prices low and I endeavor to be as non-capitalist as possible. I am able to do this due to various layers of privilege and a willingness to not make a shit-load of money all the time.

Additionally, I understand that because I am helping folks with higher and deeper realms, I have a serious responsibility to be a discerning guide.

And I am.

When ideas come to me, I take them into meditation where they are distilled into clarity.

I endeavor to bring you the most pure imagery, but everything I do is still coming through me.

And I am a human being with a history that naturally affects the filter/creator that I am.

I intend for all the events, experiences and content I create to be inclusive, non-racist, decolonized, genderful, ecofriendly and non-capitalist.

I also reject the hyper-individualism baked into the industry of “wellness”. It is crazy and delusional to imagine that “perfecting” our personal wellness is possible without great healing of the entire collective. We are part of a great web of life, our wellness is interwoven with the multi-layered health of all (including not just humans, but all earthlings - plants, animals, stones, water, mountains, etc.). We have a long way to go here and we’ve got to approach this evolution from all angles.

Through spiritual experiences I have found redeeming beauty in a chaotic world.

I am constantly exploring where my own efforts seem to fit into this collective healing progression. Right now I feel my job is to help us carve out some time for contemplation, intuition, imagination and time spent in the presence of your soul and the soul of the world. It is my great honor to be that door-opener who brings people to that magical space, where we re-awaken to the miraculous nature of life.

If you’d like to learn a little bit more about me, read on…

I am a third generation Angeleno living in Southern California on Tongva land…

The geographical area where I live was a beautiful and abundant homeland to indigenous people for 7000 years before the Spanish came in the 1760s (as a response to Russia’s colonization of Alaska and Northern California).

I love the land I live on – it is one of my main portals for engaging with Nature – so I want to acknowledge the Tongva who cared for the land so elegantly for such a long time – way less wear and tear on Nature for 7000 years compared to what we’ve put it through in the last 262 years under colonialism, capitalism and industrialization.

I was born in Hollywood in a hospital that is now a Scientology headquarters.

Since I was young, I’ve always been at home in mystical spaces. I know how to safely explore the numinous through the imagination. I know how to find friends and guides in the inner realms. I know how to mark space as blessed and sacred. I know how to help people know what their heart and soul want them to know. Most of all I know how to work with the imagery, symbols and metaphor we experience in our visions; I know how to bring the magic into real life and real life into magic.

I am anti-racist, feminist, and non-capitalist. I believe we can create a caring, nourishing world for everyone everywhere.

I know if we tune into our true ideals and put technology in the service of creating a natural paradise on earth instead of generating imaginary currencies and ladders of wealth for a very small percentage of (mostly white, mostly male, mostly straight) people, this planet can become a place of harmony and natural abundance.

I believe humans are ingenious creatures, I believe we can change things relatively fast. I believe that we are on the cusp of many people awakening to their innate compassion, the ability and inclination to develop technology aligned with nature and healing gifts and abilities we can barely imagine now.

I am deeply interested in a climate renaissance and circular economies and I am actively creating new paradigms in and around the work I do as it relates to the racist, misogynistic, classist, hierarchical, corporate cultural systems we live within.

There is a well-spring of magic and spiritual experience that is an endless source of transformative inspiration and the kind of joy that honors the life experience we’ve been given.

Reawakening us all to that wellspring of magic is one of my favorite ways of contributing to life as we know it. I hope every time you visit this site you drop down your bucket into that wellspring of magic and draw up something beautiful, healing and transformative.

Much love,


 Enjoy your time here, become a Streamer or join our Substack if you can!  xoxo Jess